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  • What is The Most Modern Skirting Board?
    What is The Most Modern Skirting Board?

    Modern skirting applications achieve their best results through combinations of modern design principles with necessary functionality requirements. Research indicates that skirting profiles between 80-100mm stand as the most adaptable choice since they work well for buildings that contain timber elements both inside and outdoors.

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  • Are Solid Wood Doors Energy Efficient?
    Are Solid Wood Doors Energy Efficient?

    Energy costs have dramatically increased during the past three years and show no signs of decreasing soon. With that in mind, every bit of insulation matters. Solid wood doors contribute significantly to the energy efficiency of your home than most homeowners realise. 

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  • Oak Worktops: The Ultimate Guide for Your Kitchen
    Oak Worktops: The Ultimate Guide for Your Kitchen

    At UK Timber, our stance on this is loud and clear! It's no secret that Oak Worktops have much to offer aesthetically. Sure, there are many benefits, but there is also the need for regular maintenance. While other like materials might resemble Oak worktops, there’s no comparison when it comes to the beauty, practicality and longevity they offer. 

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  • Should You Oil or Stain Oak Doors? Your Complete Guide
    Should You Oil or Stain Oak Doors? Your Complete Guide

    If you're looking to enhance your oak doors, you've likely wondered whether oiling or staining is the better choice. Both options offer distinct benefits, but making the right choice depends on several factors.

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  • Do Raised Bed Kits Need a Base?
    Do Raised Bed Kits Need a Base?

    An elevated gardening bed is another way to describe what’s typically known as a raised bed kit and is a way to store plants beyond just regular pots. And so, assuming you’ve created a raised bed kit for yourself, the question may spring into your mind on whether you then need to add a base to it? 

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  • 8 Timeless Timber Garden Features to Transform Your Outdoor Space
    8 Timeless Timber Garden Features to Transform Your Outdoor Space

    Adding timber features to your garden does something more than just make a statement in a yard; it gives it some of your personality and creates a space outdoors that can be used. Be it an experienced gardener or someone who is just seeking to give their space a face-lift, the versatility of timber, in respect to creativity and functionality, can never be termed as limited.

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  • What is the Best Stain for Solid Oak Doors?
    What is the Best Stain for Solid Oak Doors?

    Solid oak doors are by far a classic choice for any house, offering strength, versatility, natural beauty and a touch of class! However, to ensure that you get the best out of your oak doors, the selection of an appropriate stain is important. Choosing the most suitable one out of all these can be somewhat overwhelming. In the below guide, we explore the ins and outs of wood stains and know which ones to choose for solid oak doors.

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  • Decking vs. Patio: Which Is the Best Option for Your Home?
    Decking vs. Patio: Which Is the Best Option for Your Home?

    Decking can certainly bring a warm feel to your garden décor —not to mention an abundance of character. This type of flooring is much more versatile to meet the look and design you desire because it’s timeless. It comes in a variety of colours, material finishes, and styles, so it’s suitable for gardens of all shapes, styles, and designs. 

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  • Is Hardwood Really Better Than Laminate?
    Is Hardwood Really Better Than Laminate?

    Choosing between hardwood and laminate ultimately comes down to lifestyle factors and personal taste. But for enduring beauty, lifetime value, reliability and eco-friendliness, hardwood remains the superior option that discerning homeowners desire. Paired with timber’s coveted natural charm that matures gracefully over generations, it’s easy to see why hardwood retains its rightful place as a premium flooring darling.

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    Did you know that the signs of aging can add character to timber? Below, we have answered some of the most common questions about old timber for you to understand more about the wood aging process. Dealing with Exterior and Interior Timber

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